Thursday, November 11, 2010

Columbus leaves Spain

Christopher Columbus Interview 1505 A.D.

Q: What did you expect to find on your expeditions?

A: My original plan for the expeditions was to find a water route to Asia. But, instead I stumbled across a group of tropical islands. I was shocked, but excited. I left 40 men on the newly discovered islands and returned to Spain, where I was greeted with an enthusiastic welcome.

Q: What was the outcome of your voyages?

A: For the most part it was a happy outcome, I had discovered a new world that had never been seen before. There were limitless opportunities for people. So much more could be discovered and settled. There was a bright future for the world. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for my future. Upon arrival from my last voyage, I had found that I had not only lost my title as Chief Governor in the Indies, but I had also lost my greatest supporter, Queen Isabella. With no more money to support another expedition, I have left the exploring of the limitless new world to others.

"Christopher Columbus." World History: Ancient and Medieval ErasABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 11 Nov. 2010.

Magna Carta

King John Interview 1218 A.D.

Q: What was the reasoning for the Magna Carta?

A: My people believed that style of leading them was wrong. They believed that they had not been given their deserved rights. They had wanted more representation in the Government. I had made some decisions that had angered them. My quarrel with Pope Innocent III resulted in suspension of church services in England. This did not make my people happy. A few years ago, nobles in England came together and wrote a document full of promises that I must keep to them. After much consideration, I decided to sign it.

Q: What was the importance of this signing?

A: After signing the document, the people got the individual rights they had desired. The signing helped to form a court of nobles that would balance my power with theirs. The people are much happier now that they have a say in the government. Its been quite hard for me to cope with the new changes, but it will work out soon. This document forever changed the way government worked in England.

"Magna Carta (1215)." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 11 Nov. 2010.

The Crusades

Pope Urban II Interview 1101 A.D.

Q: What was your reasoning for launching the Crusades?

A: The land of our savior had been under the rule of Muslim people for many years. It was my obligation to take it back. I knew that God would have wanted me to be in control of the land of our ancestors. The city that Christ called home had to be under Christian rule.

Q: How did you carry out the mission of taking Jerusalem?

A: First, I gathered an army of powerful soldiers from all over the Holy Roman Empire. The planned out route required the men to travel east to Constantinople and then into Arabia. Once they made it to Jerusalem they surrounded the city and starved the people within. When enough time passed, my men pushed into the city and took it over.

Q: What was the outcome of this crusade?

A: I had some of my men bring back anything they could find. Though there was no treasure, they had books and documents that explained a society so advanced. These writings helped us to learn new things about a civilization we never even dreamed of. The Crusades were a huge turning point in the civilization of the west.

"The Crusades (Overview)." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 11 Nov. 2010.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

William the Conquerer

William Interview 1086 A.D.

Q: How did you obtain the throne?

A: My biggest obstacle in taking power was overthrowing King Harold II, who was currently King at the time. I had had a great following and a large army by 1066. Harold had defeated the Norwegian King, who had wished to rule England as well, and returned to England. I moved my army North into England and we took over at the battle of Hastings. I was then crowned King.

Q: What are some of the accomplishments you have made since you've been king?

A: One of my greatest accomplishments was the surveying of the kingdom. This kept an accurate system of taxing in the kingdom. It kept count of the people, land, and animals. I also helped to strengthen the central base of Government in the Kingdom.

"William the Conqueror." World History: Ancient and Medieval ErasABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 10 Nov. 2010.

Great Schism

Emperor Constantine IX Interview 1055 A.D.

Q: What caused problems between the Patriarch in Constantinople and the Pope in Rome?

A: Originally the dispute between the Patriarch, Michael Cerularius, and the Pope, Leo IX was over a land in southern Italy. Originally, the land in southern Italy belonged to the Greeks and the Patriarch, but the Pope came to me asking for land claims in the south. This small quarrel led to a huge fight between these two men.

Q: What the outcome of this fight?

After throwing back many arguments between each other the two decided to have each other excommunicated. This outcome is very important because ever since this the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church have been divided from each other. I have a feeling that they won't be making up any time soon.

"Schism of 1054." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 10 Nov. 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010


Charlemagne Interview 813 A.D.

Q: How did you come to power?

A: When my father died in 768, my brother Carloman and I were left to rule his land. The land was split between us. Though I got the bigger part, my part was more undeveloped and revolts began to rise up. I was very angry that my brother offered no assistance. But uh...he mysteriously uh...died somehow in 771. It was sad, but I got total power over the whole Empire!

Q: What hardships have you faced in throughout your rule?

A: The biggest threat/hardship that is still continuing is the Viking people's attacks on my empire. They are unforgiving people that will kill anyone and destroy anything for money and land. I don't know what to do about them. I have been trying to keep a strong Christian Kingship, but there are many pagan revolts in my kingdom. I think it is about time I passed the empire on.

"Charlemagne." World History: Ancient and Medieval ErasABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 8 Nov. 2010. <>

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Battle of Tours

Charles "The Hammer" Martel Interview 733 A.D.

Q: What was the point of fighting the battle?

A: The Muslim peoples from the south had been raiding Frankish areas for some time. The Frankish people were worried that they would further their conquest into our areas in the hope of spreading Islam. The Duke of Aquitaine, Odo, had been defeated by the invaders in a nearby settlement, so I rounded up my men and we pushed the invaders back into Spain.

Q: Why is your victory here important?

The victory at Tours was a very important point in history. If I wouldn't have won the Muslims might have taken over and spread their religion. I saved Christianity in the North. My victory also gave me some political and military popularity.

"Battle of Tours." World History: Ancient and Medieval ErasABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 7 Nov. 2010. <>

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Rome falls to Barbarians

Alaric Interview 410 A.D.

Q: How did you manage to destroy Rome?

A: I made a great plan to destroy the city. I told my soldiers to wait outside the walls. We made sure that no supplies were delivered to the city and that no people came out of the city. I waited years for the right time. I wanted to starve the people in the city. I wanted them to be very weak and defenceless when I attacked. After waiting I sent my men into the city and destroyed it. These people were ignorant and needed to be dealt with.

Q: How was your attack important?

A: My attack on the city ended the Roman peoples rule of the land in the South. I could expand my land down into that area. I have brought a new age to this land. My people shall rule for many years. There are many other tribes in the North that will want my land, but I am the greatest and I will stand my ground.

"sack of Rome." World History: Ancient and Medieval ErasABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 6 Nov. 2010. <>

Constantine the Great

Constantine Interview 336 A.D.

Q: In what ways did you spread Christianity throughout Europe?

A: I was introduced to the new religion and I had found peace in it. Once I became emperor, my first step was to legalize in the Empire. After that I noticed that the capital city of Rome was getting worn and boring. I felt that the Empire needed a fresh start. I moved east and founded my city, Constantinople. It grew into a wonderful center of trade and religion.

Q: How has your empire advanced during your reign?

A: During my reign, the Christian religion has been introduced and embraced in the Roman Empire. I have established a new capital of Constantinople. I have spread the Roman Empire far east. And I have a feeling that my reign has laid the foundation for a great Roman Empire.
"Constantine the Great." World History: Ancient and Medieval ErasABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 6 Nov. 2010. <>

Friday, November 5, 2010

Julius Caesar and the Fall of Rome

Interview with Julius Caesar 45 B.C.

Q: How did you come to power in Rome?

A: My goal to was to become absolute ruler of Rome. In order to do so I had to gain a lot of popularity and make my way up through the ranks of the Government. I started by getting a job in the government. I slowly made my way to better jobs. To gain popularity, I negotiated with other lands in order to get a lot of money. This money I used to enhance Rome.

Q: Now that you are dictator for life, do you think that there will be any disadvantages to your new power?

A: I have noticed that my popularity has given me many enemies. I fear that these enemies may be some of my closest colleagues. I'm afraid that my people will rise up and turmoil may begin. But I am there leader, how could they ever betray me, they love me, right?

"Julius Caesar." World History: Ancient and Medieval ErasABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 5 Nov. 2010. <>

Alexander the Great

Alexander Interview 325 B.C.

Q: How did you manage to conquer the areas in the Middle East?

A: Well during my campaign, I was faced with many obstacles. One of the greatest obstacles was the Persians. My first task was to liberate Greek cities along the Ionian coast from the Persians. My army was small, but we had an unstoppable will to push forward. I advanced south toward Egypt. Along the way, I encountered more Persian forces. At the battle of Issus, My army took over a heavily guarded fortress. We were merciful to the conquered peoples. We then pushed into Egypt. The Egyptians were extremely kind to my soldiers and I. They considered me a Deity. I had finally taken over the Mediterranean sea.

Q: How was your campaign important?

A: My campaign united and expanded my empire to amazing lengths. My people and I established many new Grecian cities. Our cities are the most advanced there are. We have created a theatre system that is unmatched. We have made advances in science and math. The Egyptians established the city of Alexandria in my name.

"Alexander the Great." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 5 Nov. 2010. <>

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Axis Age/Golden Age in Greece

Pericles Interview 430 B.C.

Q: As a lead politician in Athens, how have you helped the city and the people of the city to advance in society?

A: Throughout my rule in Athens, I helped to organize some of the most influential projects in the city. I organized charities that would help the unfortunate in my city to have a better life by inviting them to free theatre shows. I organized building projects such as the great Parthenon. The Parthenon is a temple to the Goddess Athena. I helped to rebuild fallen buildings that had been destroyed during the previous wars with the Persians. I have helped to keep the democratic society of my people.

Q: As a military general, how have you helped to keep the people save and fend off foes?

A: As a general, I have done many important things to protect my city and people. I have protected my people from the Spartans. The Spartans are a very odd people. They have no respect for the finer things in life. All they care about is strength and war. This is important because now that my people are safe, they have been able to express themselves and move forward in society. They have made advances in the sciences and art. I have done my best to protect my people and I will continue as long as I can.

"Pericles." World History: Ancient and Medieval ErasABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 4 Nov. 2010. <>

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Zheng He

1436 C.E.

As a former sailor under Zheng He, I believe it is my duty to write of his great life. Zheng He was a great man that was called by the Emperor to man a fleet of over 300 ships. Our main duties on the voyage were to meet and make friends with other cultures and to establish trade routes in other areas of the world. We visited amazing places such as Africa, India, and Arabia. But sadly a few years ago Zheng He died while in India. The new Emperor at the time called off the expeditions. It was surprising and depressing. We all returned home. The Government started to focus more on China itself than other parts of the world, which isn't a bad thing, but I believe that there's more out there that we didn't find. I think that this decision to call off the expeditions is a bad one and that it might just have a negative outcome on China. But whatever happens, I know that Zheng He will forever be remembered as a great explorer and man.

Zheng He Maritime Expeditions (Overview)." World History: Ancient and Medieval ErasABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 20 Oct. 2010. <>

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Song Dynasty

1234 C.E.

I am a scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty. We in the Song Dynasty have received information that the Mongol armies have started their advance. They have already taken the Northern Kingdoms of the Xia Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty. We are officially raising the security of the Kingdom. Those foul things won't get into our kingdom. The Song Dynasty has ruled for such a long time. Great contributions have been made during this time. The use of gunpowder in weaponry and the creation of vital waterways throughout the kingdom.China has seen great people in its time like the poets, Li-po and Du Fu. The Song Dynasty started the use of paper money. It would be a shame if this is its last days. No, I can't say that, we will prevail. We have to. This kingdom will be known forever in China, I am sure of it.

"Song dynasty." World History: Ancient and Medieval ErasABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <>

Tang Dynasty

631 C.E.

Under Taizong, the Tang Dynasty will be the greatest dynasty China has ever experienced! As a Private Official to the Emperor, I help him in deciding the future of this Empire. Plans of moving westward have been tossed around. We have spoken of moving into Tibet. We must make friends with our neighbors, especially when those neighbors own vital trade routes. The transportation of silk through the south is very important to our empire. We are also considering the invasion of the eastern kingdom of Korea. The Koreans refuse the Tang rule and must be dealt with. Expansion is the main foundation of this empire. We have already started the advance into the western Turkish colonies. These expansions will be extremely rewarding and will give China access to some of the most important routes. The Tang Dynasty will be a great influence to China in years to come.

"Tang dynasty." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <>

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mongols invade China

1261 C.E.

Today, our advance into the Song Dynasty pushes onward. Under General Kublai, my fellow soldiers and I have  taken the Xia and Jin Dynasties. Now, we move onto the Southern Song Dynasty. The Song is larger than Xia and Jin, but we are strong-willed and determined to fulfill our leader's hope to fully take over China. We have noticed that these people are much more advanced than us, so taking over would influence our civilization greatly. Kublai's Grandfather, Genghis had started the campaign to take over China. This dream has been passed down the family and may be soon coming true. This would be an extremely important time in this nation's history.

"Mongol conquest of China." World History: Ancient and Medieval ErasABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. <>

Han Dynasty

111 B.C.E.

This a great time for China! Our Empire is doing great. Artisans are working and the economy is booming. After the collapse of the Qin dynasty in 207 B.C. E., China was in chaos, but then leaders came to power and united China under the Han Dynasty. The new emperors have set out to expand the Great Wall. They have sent people to build more watchtowers and to help protect the people of China from invaders. We have expanded our empire north into Mongol teritory and west into Korea and other pacific islands. We are creating new inventions and expanding our population. This dynasty will be a great time in our history.

"Han dynasty." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. <>

Buddhism Comes to China

156 B.C.E.

For the past few years, new ideas of peace and enlightenment have come to China. People are calling it Buddhism. These teachings are new and exiting. They speak of getting rid of all desire in the world. They speak of a man named Buddha. This man had reached a state of peace and enlightenment. They called it Nirvana or to be completely enlightened and awoken. These teachings bring a new hope in China. In order to reach Nirvana, one must get rid of all desire. They must destroy their connections with all materialistic things of this world. This introduction in China is important because it's influencing new ideas in this land.

"Buddhism (Overview)." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. <>

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Great Wall

219 B.C.E.

For many months I have been working along with my fellow workers on an immense project to stop invaders from getting into our empire. It is horrible and exhausting work. Day after day, people are getting sick and dying. Everyone is starving including myself. It is hard, tedious work. The officials are treating us very poorly. Why would our emperor do this to us? Women and children are being taken from there homes and are being forced to work for countless hours. People are being taken away never to be seen again. I hope that someday we may establish a peaceful and understanding nation.

Lao Zi and Taoism

245 B.C.E.

I call myself a Heavenly Master. I am a follower of Lao-Zi's teachings, a Taoist. I seek balance and harmony in myself and in nature. The Taoist ideas of Yin and Yang in the universe are very inspiring. That opposites such as good and bad work together in order to create balance and harmony in the universe. There are 5 fundamentalisms in the Taoist teachings: Tao, Relativity, Non-action, Return, and Government. All of these ideas help to maintain peace and balance so that all may be content in there lives.

Unification of China

222 B.C.E.

For many years my fellow soldiers and I have been fighting a war against other kingdoms so that the State of Qin may rise victorious. We are starting our advance into the Chu State. One day we may all see peace under the Qin. The battles have been tough, but our armies are the most ruthless of all. We have mastered the use of horses, which has become a great asset in becoming victorious. Our leaders are smart and powerful. We are hoping to advance straight to the capital of the Chu state, Shouchun, and take over. If this invasion is carried out successfully China will finally be united.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


510 B.C.E.

For the past few years I have been following a great man by the name of Confucius. His teachings of peace and humanity are absolutely inspiring. This man speaks of goodness. That everyone in the world should be good. He says that if the rulers of the world are good, than the people shall follow. He speaks of family and the importance of maintaining relationships with one another so peace and harmony may be kept. There are 5 main branches of his teachings: Li, Jen, Chuntzu, Wen, and Te. These branches represent goodness in family, culture, and politics. Many people have rejected Confucius' teachings, but I believe that one day people will notice and respect what he says.