Monday, October 18, 2010

Mongols invade China

1261 C.E.

Today, our advance into the Song Dynasty pushes onward. Under General Kublai, my fellow soldiers and I have  taken the Xia and Jin Dynasties. Now, we move onto the Southern Song Dynasty. The Song is larger than Xia and Jin, but we are strong-willed and determined to fulfill our leader's hope to fully take over China. We have noticed that these people are much more advanced than us, so taking over would influence our civilization greatly. Kublai's Grandfather, Genghis had started the campaign to take over China. This dream has been passed down the family and may be soon coming true. This would be an extremely important time in this nation's history.

"Mongol conquest of China." World History: Ancient and Medieval ErasABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. <>

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